Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | SAHM, Routines, Biblical Motherhood, Balance, Schedules, Work-Life Balance, Productivity
The Go-To Podcast for Busy, Christian Moms Who Want to Get More Done and Still Be Present With Their Family! ***TOP 1% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST *** Are you constantly trying out new daily routines that have you juggling house chores and cramming in work during nap times? Do you feel guilty when your kiddos invite you to play, but by the time you’ve told them ’just a minute,’ ’hang on,’ or ’let me finish this’, the day has slipped away with no intentional focused time together at all? Does your brain feel like it will never just SHUT OFF with your continuously running to-do list? I’m SO excited you’re here!! This podcast will help you create simple systems, daily routines, and time management strategies to feel more productive in your days so you can balance running a home AND being fully present for your kiddos. Hey, I’m KyAnn. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover. For too many years, I let my habits just sort of happen without much intention or thought. I felt constantly behind and I was trying to do it all, but doing NONE of it well. I was chasing business success, achievements, and hustle culture that stole my time and mental health so I didn’t have any extra energy to devote to building intentional habits that kept my priorities in the RIGHT order. I finally realized that if I was going to balance motherhood and homemaking well, I had to find simple routines and systems to serve me in the season I was in. I created daily rhythms for our family that reflected my priorities and helped me tackle my to-do list, all while allowing me to be fully present with my kiddos - simple systems that when practiced well, even allowed extra time to work on my business during the cracks of time during the day. And now I’m ready to share it all with you! If you are ready to finally find a routine that works for you…steps to feel more balanced and less overwhelmed in your days as a busy mom…systems that give you your time back, help you to be more present with the people you love most, and finally get your brain to just RELAX-this podcast is for you! Pop in your single AirPod (mom friends, you know you do this, too!), grab your iced coffee, it’s time to find your rhythm! Next Steps: Grab my free morning routine guide: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Join the free community: Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YT: @kyannandmat Email me:

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Hi, friend!
I have a really fun BONUS episode for you today! In today’s episode, I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at what the Lord is teaching me about content in the season that I’m in. As Christian mamas that want our lives to be focused on Christ and glorifying Him, we all want to be more content in our day to day lives and find joy in everything we’ve been given. But, I don’t know about you, but that can be a LOT easier said than done.
I’m sharing some vulnerable stories on how I’ve navigated the majority of my life in this area, what I wish I learned earlier, and what it looks like to be content as a stay at home mom who has big dreams and goals. The Lord has taught me some surprising lessons in my life recently about contentment and finding joy in the season that we’re currently in, instead of just looking ahead to the next constantly.
I want to share some of these lessons as I’m learning them just like I would sitting down with a friend catching up on what the Lord is doing in our lives so that is the feel of this episode. It’s a raw and real kind of episode and I’m praying it is an encouragement to you! Enjoy!
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Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of independent play for kids. We all want more time to get things done around the house, maybe you’re in a season that you need to sneak in a few minutes of work when your toddlers are still awake, or maybe you just want to drink your coffee and read your Bible in peace for a few minutes.
Independent play is something that is talked about a lot and I feel like pretty much ALL moms want their kids to have this skill, especially in today’s society of constant distraction and screens and overstimulation. I’m going to teach you 3 practical habit shifts that you can start applying today to help your kids have longer stretches of independent play time daily. This is going to be a juicy one, friends, let’s get into it! I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Episode 12 prioritizing intentional time with your kids daily:
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Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you my 4 step system that helps me get more done as a busy mom trying to manage a lot of different areas of life (my kids, marriage, homesteading and gardening in full swing this time of year, my business, being involved in community, etc.). This system that I use daily to prioritize what needs to get done each day and then actually DO IT has vastly improved my productivity, helped manage my expectations for each day AND how much I’m able to practically accomplish each day.
Probably the top area we all feel like we’re lacking in as moms, especially moms of littles that require a lot of daily care and attention, is time. The hard truth is we all have the same amount of time in a day. It’s up to us how we prioritize and spend that time. And this 4 step system I’m going to share with you today for planning my days and prioritizing what needs to be done each day literally saves me 2 hours PER DAY. That’s 14 hours A WEEK, friends. That’s a part time job. This is life changing. Make sure you have something to take notes on, a pencil and pen or the notes app of your phone because you’re going to want to take notes to start implementing this asap. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Hi, friend!
Are you struggling to balance growing a business (or dreaming of starting one!) in the mom cracks of your day? Do you feel FRUSTRATED for never having as much time as you’d like in this season so it feels like you have to pick and choose between being a good mom or being a good business owner?
We GET IT. In today’s episode, this is the second half of my interview with Jordan Jones and we are talking all about balancing work and motherhood. How to fit work time into the very limited time you have as a mom, how to figure out what your top priorities are in business, and even some honest truths on what we are laying down in business for the sake of balance.
We’re also chatting about simplifying daily rhythms and systems in our personal life to help us actually achieve our goals in the business side of our life as well. And some vulnerable stories on over-committing, surrendering our businesses to the Lord, and choosing how we show up and fill our days in this season.
There is so much practical encouragement and tips from 2 moms growing businesses in the cracks of our day, while also balancing full time SAHM life. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Come join the FREE FB community to connect:
Daily Kairos Prayer Journal:
Use code: KYANN for 15% off Kairos journals!
KyAnn’s episode on the Work & Worship podcast:
Jordan’s episode on simplifying your schedule to prioritize the things that matter most:
The Sacredness of Secular Work by Jordan Raynor book:
Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan book:
Connect with Jordan:
Daily Kairos on IG:
Work & Worship Podcast:
Jordan’s IG:
Jordan’s website:
Connect with KyAnn:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Hi, friend!
Do you REALLY want to be reading your Bible every day but find yourself in a season where honestly, you’re just not? This episode is for you. If you’re a new mom, seasoned mom, mom of many, or mom of one, you probably can resonate that it is hard to find your balance prioritizing your faith, marriage, kids, work, home, all the major areas of your life and sometimes, you find yourself in a season where your biggest priority simply isn’t being reflected in your daily habits.
In today’s episode, we are diving into all things quiet time routines with my friend Jordan Jones from the Work and Worship podcast. How to find a quiet time routine that works for you in the season you’re in, how to finally be consistent with it, and how to prioritize your relationship with the Lord even in this season of motherhood with little kids, little sleep, and maybe a little less patience when your quiet time (or maybe not so quiet time) doesn’t go as seamlessly as your quiet time routine prior to kids.
We are also chatting about how Jordan and her husband started Daily Kairos and the journey the Lord led them on to creating the prayer journal that has had such an impact on the prayer life of so many!
I know you guys are going to get so much wisdom, encouragement, and practical tips for prioritizing your relationship with the Lord as a busy mom and finding a quiet time routine that you can actually stick to. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Daily Kairos Prayer Journal:
Use code: KYANN for 15% off Kairos journals!
KyAnn’s episode on the Work & Worship podcast:
Jordan’s episode on simplifying your schedule to prioritize the things that matter most:
The Sacredness of Secular Work by Jordan Raynor book:
Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan book:
Connect with Jordan:
Daily Kairos on IG:
Work & Worship Podcast:
Jordan’s IG:
Jordan’s website:
Connect with KyAnn:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Download my FREE morning routine guide:
Come join the FREE FB community to connect:
Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m walking you through my exact current morning routine with 3 kids 4 and under. How I’m starting the morning solo, how I WISH I was starting my morning (spoiler alert: I’ve totally slacked on a core must have rhythm in my days recently and we’re going to chat about why + how to fix it), and the general framework that the kids and I use to structure our mornings at home to make sure the things that need to get done are getting done and we’re still building in that intentional time for connection and quality time together.
If mornings feel a liiiittle chaotic in your house right now, this is the episode for you. I’ve been there when you have multiple little ones and they all need a LOT from you in this stage so mornings feel pretty much the LAST thing from restful. It feels like you’re waking up and just jumping from one thing to the next until you finally get them in bed for nap time in the afternoon.
You know you WANT to have some of that slow, intentional time with your kiddos to read to them, maybe play with them for a few minutes, go on a walk, but it just feels like the morning goes by in a blur of changing diapers, feeding babies, giving snacks, cleaning up toys, and suddenly it’s lunchtime and you don’t even know where the time went!
If you’ve ever wanted to just be a fly on the wall in how other SAHM’s structure their day, this is the episode for you! This framework will give you a peek into the actual routines and systems that are working for our mornings currently and I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Download my FREE morning routine guide:
Listen to episode 2 on morning routines:
Read Aloud Revival podcast:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Hi, friend!
In part 2 of today’s conversation, Kristin Wall is sharing some of her experiences on dealing with trauma in motherhood and how that has shaped some of her motherhood journey and their family as a whole. How it has bonded them in a very surprising way, what she would do differently, and even what she now sees in a different lens looking back at what she walked through.
We are also chatting about how to find a Titus 2 mentor, a woman who is a few steps ahead of you in the motherhood journey to help support and share wisdom with you in a life-giving relationship. How important this is, what older women are missing about this calling, and how to actually make the first steps towards a relationship like this. I know so many of us desire older women sharing their wisdom and experiences with us, but we have no idea where to even find these women or how to even start the conversation if we do! This episode will give you some practical places to start that I know will be so helpful. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Part 1 of this episode:
Connect with Kristin: @kristin_wall on IG
Follow along for her project launching this summer: @delightandbelong on IG
Learn about Only7Seconds:
Gift of Limitations by Sara Hagerty:
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer:
Niyah Jane’s art account: @niyahjanesart on IG
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Hi, friend!
Have you ever felt like you’re just doing the same things in motherhood (potty training toddlers, change the baby’s diaper, feed the kids, nurse the baby, put everyone down for a nap, give them a snack, pick up toys, and repeat) day after day on repeat?
Motherhood is a HARD job and it can often feel like we’re getting lost as moms, especially in the trenches of the little years with toddlers and babies, in just doing the same thing day after day and wondering if anyone even notices.
I have such a treat for you today and I’m so excited to introduce you to a sweet friend of mine who is a few steps ahead of me in motherhood and has so much wisdom to offer for young moms!
In today’s conversation, Kristin Wall is sharing so much encouragement for the moms in the trenches with littles, how to enjoy the mundane, everyday moments, setting aside time to rest and connect as a family as well as boundaries to protect that time. We are talking about some of those smaller habits and rhythms that truly set the stage to one day experience true friendship and doing life together with your kids in their adult years (which may feel far away right now, but I know motherhood is such a long game and this was such inspiration to model that even now).
How to pour into the God-given gifts in your children and encouragement when we can’t see the fruit of the seeds we’re planting until way down the road, I know you are going to take away so much from this conversation with Kristin. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Connect with Kristin: @kristin_wall on IG
Follow along for her project launching this summer: @delightandbelong on IG
Learn about Only7Seconds:
Part 2 of this interview:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Download my FREE morning routine guide:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Hi, friend! In today’s episode, I’m going to share a few quick tips and strategies for savoring the magic of summer when the days don’t really feel much different with littles. How to soak up the summer experiences you love with your kiddos, how to set up your expectations realistically, and how to practically still enjoy the summer activities you used to, even
when it takes almost as long as the outing itself just to get everyone packed up and out the door. (I’m right there with you!)
As I was talking to my husband recently, we were talking about how when you have kids, it sort of resets that magical childhood summer for you to experience again through your kids. If you’re anything like me, you start the summer off with great intentions of taking the kids to do all the fun, quintessential summer things and before you know it, summer is over and you have done NONE of the things you imagined doing at the start of the summer.
This episode gives you the intentional systems and rhythms to help practically make sure those things are prioritized. We’re going to break down a few things I do now to make all of those magical childhood memories that I really want my kids to grow up with ACTUALLY happen. And no, they don’t have to be expensive or absolutely crazy or anything like that, but intentional summer experiences and memories to savor with my kids without losing my mind. I pray this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Download my FREE summer bucket list template:
Listen to episode 2 on creating a morning routine to be more productive ALL day:
Download my FREE morning routine guide:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
Come join the FREE FB group + post YOUR summer bucket list:
Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you the #1 habit to help you be more present with your kids in each day. I know you want more quality time with your kids. You have dreamed of being a mom for years and there is so much of your life that you love, but you also find yourself wondering if maybe something is out of whack in your days because you spend more time thinking about your to do list or what needs to be accomplished around the house than you do investing in quality time with your kids.
In the culture and society we live in, making this a priority is HARD. Not only do we practically have so much to do to keep our household running smoothly, manage our social calendar and events, all the realistic aspects of being a busy mom and all the hats we wear, but we also have our phones, watches, devices everywhere constantly screaming at us and trying to steal our attention. It is a HARD balance and that is why I’m creating this episode because I hear constantly from moms that desperately want more quality time with their kids but just don’t know what to practically change. The laundry is constantly piling up, the to do list is never done, and where does the time even go?!
This episode will help you to not be just physically present, but MENTALLY present, investing in your kids, soaking up that quality time with them that you crave instead of feeling guilty that you are letting their childhood slip by while you are more focused on your home, to do list, business, whatever it might be than you are your child. I know it’s so hard to find the balance of getting things done while still staying present, but this episode is a really practical one that focuses on the HEART of your children’s childhood and how to be truly present for it in the way you want to be. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Come join the FREE FB group + post you implementing this habit for accountability:
Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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