Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | Stay at Home Moms, Routines, Time Management, Intentional Motherhood, Simple Living, Biblical Motherhood, Habits

The Go-To Podcast for Busy Moms Who Want to Get More Done and Still Be Present With Their Family! ***TOP 1.5% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST *** Do you feel like you’re constantly juggling your time between trying to get work done during nap times, stay on top of the laundry and dishes, and avoid eating take out for the 5th time that week?! Do you worry that you’re destined to simply survive until bedtime day after day for the next several years because you have multiple little kids close in age and as soon as you figure out a good routine, SOMEONE’S nap time suddenly is no longer working?! Is your brain so cloudy and overloaded that you feel paralyzed to even know where to START making changes (#mombrain is real)? Do you have it together on the outside, but have a deeply rooted fear of wasting these years while your kids are little being so distracted by everything you have to DO that you’re missing precious moments being present with your kids? In this podcast, you will find simple daily rhythms and systems to embrace your season of motherhood. To help you find freedom in reclaiming your time and habits as a busy stay at home mom. My mission is to equip you to find peace and productivity in your days as a busy mom through simple living solutions to help you slow down, create intentional boundaries and systems, and grow in finding your worth in Christ…not your to do list. If you’re ready to ditch the overwhelm and chaos and start living out what truly matters most to you in your daily rhythms, you’re in the right place! Hey, I’m KyAnn. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover. For too many years, I let my habits just sort of happen without much intention or thought. I was chasing business success, achievements, and hustle culture that stole my time and mental health so I didn’t have any extra energy to devote to building intentional habits that kept my priorities in the right order. I finally realized that if I was ever going to find freedom from constant burnout and overwhelm, I had to find simple systems to serve me in the season I was in. I created daily rhythms that reflected what mattered most to me and helped me consistently accomplish what needed to get done in my home and life. With small steps that built over time so I could actually stick with it for longer than three days. A lifestyle that made my days as a stay at home mom balancing building a business in the cracks of my day manageable and inspiring again. And now I’m ready to share it all with you! If you are ready to finally find a routine that works for you…solutions to find more peace and less overwhelm in your days as a busy mom…systems that give you your time back, help you to be more present with the people you love most, and clear up your chronic brain fog-this podcast is for you! Pop in your single AirPod (mom friends, you know you do this, too!), grab your iced coffee, it’s time to find your rhythm! Next Steps: Grab my free morning routine guide: Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: Join the free community: Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat Watch on YT: @kyannandmat Email me:

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3 days ago

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you 4 ways to find 30 minutes to rest when you’re overcommitted. How to find small pockets of rest in really busy seasons when you are operating at max capacity, how to figure out what makes you feel truly rested, and some ideas of what specifically to do with this time.
Rest is one of the things that seems so unattainable and hard to implement in a season of little kids and so much going on, but rest truly is both a commandment and a gift. One of the most common things I hear is that moms of littles don’t know HOW to get done what needs to get done and somehow still find time to actually rest, there just isn’t enough time in the day, so we’re going to talk about specifically how to find those small pockets THIS WEEK that will make a huge impact for you.
Rest as a busy mom is HARD. Trust me, you are not the only one struggling to implement rest and constantly feeling like you are pouring from an empty (sometimes feels like bone dry empty, no liquid left) cup. I hear moms say all the time that it just feels like a never-ending battle…either you choose to get done what needs to get done or you choose to rest, but the balance of staying on top of what needs to be done around the house, managing your family’s schedule, taking care of the kids, plus a side biz or passion on the side that needs regular attention also and suddenly, every single day you’re coming to the end of the day realizing that you didn’t take even 15-30 minutes to just chill, rest, recoup, BREATHE the entire day. 
I get it and I have been there. If you are in a season right now where you can feel deep in your bones that you are being pushed past your capacity and you just sort of feel like you’re teetering a little bit trying to manage it all, you know you may have overcommitted a bit (not intentionally, but now you’re realizing it just feels like a little too much), but yet, you’re in it now and it’s going to be really busy for the next little bit…HOW can you find small pockets of time to rest and not absolutely lose your mind trying to push through this season? This episode is for you, my friend, I’m so glad you’re here. We’re going to dive into how to actually help you get a few minutes of rest throughout your week, even in the midst of SUCH a busy season right now. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Episode 02 mentioned on building a morning routine:
Episode 05 mentioned on communicating with your spouse to share the load:
Download my FREE morning routine guide:
Come join the FREE FB group + post the first pocket of rest you’re committing to this week:
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Friday Apr 26, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I am going to be walking you through the #1 reason you’re never crossing off your to do list….aka: through the perspective of the #1 reason that I personally have not been crossing off my to do list the past few days and what the Lord is teaching me through it. This is going to be a real, raw, vulnerable conversation and I am here for it.
If you can never seem to cross off your to do list day after day, struggle with finding balance in your days, knowing what needs to get done in your home and life, or even being as present as you want to with your family, I GET IT. Trust me, I have been there and I’m sharing one of the main contributors to procrastination and not being productive in our days as stay at home moms. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Come join the FREE FB group + post the #1 habit/boundary you’re going to shift this week:
Grab my FREE morning routine guide to find a morning routine that serves you in your season:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through 4 essential systems to keep a tidy home daily. How to reset your home so you’re not going to bed with MORE of a mess to start the day with tomorrow, why taking small steps is so important, and the systems to make having people drop in unexpectedly so much easier so you’re not frantically shoving laundry in all the closets and trying to clear off the couch just for them to have a place to sit down, even when people drop in in the middle of the day unannounced. We’re not going for perfection here, but at least a baseline foundation that feels lived in, yes, but not like you just dropped into an episode of a hoarders show.
I know that you’ve been frustrated because you WANT to keep up on your home so you can enjoy living in your home and not feeling like you can’t even relax because there are things piling up everywhere and you don’t know where to start. But, you’re not even sure what systems you need to make sure you’re staying on top of just generally maintaining your home day to day, where to start, how to make it less overwhelming, what that actually looks like.
I was in exactly that spot a few years ago and I started trying to figure out what specific systems we needed to have in place to simply maintain a tidy, orderly home. Not perfection-if you come over to my house mid-day, you’ll for sure find toys on the ground, dishes in the sink, and possibly even laundry waiting to be folded on my bed, but 95% of the time, we can do a quick whole house tidy up in 30 minutes or less, usually 15 minutes or less to get back to a manageable level. I’m sharing the daily systems that I utilize to make maintaining our home on a very basic level manageable day to day so that it’s not endlessly piling up and driving me absolutely crazy. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Atomic Habits book:
Milena Ciccotti’s podcast (As For Me and My House podcast):
Come join the FREE FB group + post the #1 system you’re going to apply this week:
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to divide some of the load that falls on us as moms to share that responsibility with our spouse. How to communicate and get on the same page in managing your home and family, systems to break old pitfalls that you KEEP falling into, and how to even start the conversation.
I know that you are struggling to get it all done and honestly just feel like most days, you’re adding more items on to the to do list than actually checking any off. Balancing motherhood, homemaking, and business is HARD, but then you add extra busy seasons or circumstances out of your control and it just feels like too much. You want to partner with your husband to really become a team in managing it all, but you don't know where to start.
You know that your husband WANTS to help, but you’re getting stuck in the same old cycle of having too much on your plate, getting to your breaking point and telling your husband you just need help, and then feeling so frustrated time and time again when he isn’t doing ANYTHING that you asked him to help with. Except that more than likely, you probably haven’t actually vocalized ANY specific things you need help with, you just word vomited all your stress and overwhelm and expected him to know exactly how to step in and help and save the day. Spoiler alert: this was me for so many years and welp, husbands aren’t mind readers. They just aren’t. I’m going to share the communication strategies that we’ve learned by much trial and error in the past 9 years of our marriage that has completely TRANSFORMED this cycle and allowed us to really healthily share the workload and expectations in our marriage, especially in really busy or stressful seasons. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Friday Apr 12, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing 27 lessons that I’ve learned in 27 years. Life lessons that I’ve learned the hard way in marriage, parenting, faith, and friendship. I know balancing all the things in motherhood, business, and life in general is such a huge challenge and I’m so excited to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way!
Navigating friendship as a busy mom, how to invest in your marriage when you have little kids, parenting tips for discipling your kids and pointing them to Jesus, how to prioritize your faith and relationship with God when you have so much on your plate, we’re diving into all of these topics and more and I know you’re going to love this episode! I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through 3 steps to help you unplug and truly REST better. Why it’s so important, how to ease into this with small steps that will actually create lasting change, and how to actually rest as a mom who is constantly needed. We’re going to be diving deep here to help you really begin to build rhythms of rest into your days to truly feel recharged and filled up heading into your next busy day balancing mom life, home life, and maybe even a business on the side as well.
I know that you feel like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends and you’re TIRED. You know something is out of whack because it feels like your brain can just never fully SHUT OFF, but you honestly just don’t even know where to start on changing that. You know that God designed rest for a reason, but somehow, week after week, the time you set aside to rest just seems to sort of disappear and you’re left on Sunday evening wondering HOW you are ever going to get the energy to make it through another week. I have been there and that chronic overwhelm and exhaustion can honestly be paralyzing. We’re going to walk through how to ditch the chronic overwhelm and start implementing rhythms of rest into your days as a busy mom. If you struggle with your brain running 24/7 and knowing where to even start on HOW to practically even rest, this episode is for you! I'm cheering you on along the way and I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
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Holy Hygge by Jamie Erickson:
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk all about morning routines and waking up before your kids-if you should, if you shouldn’t, all the ins and outs of HOW to realistically make this happen (even if you’re not sleeping through the night #momlife), and how to build a morning routine that actually SERVES you in the season you’re in. 
I know that you’ve probably heard a thousand people recommend waking up before your kids, but you just haven’t been able to actually jump in and commit. You really want to build a morning routine that leaves a little time for you to have a minute to breathe and start the day on your own pace, but you aren’t sleeping through the night because you still have a baby or toddler (or both!) that wakes up and needs you and you’re tired of setting the alarm every day just to hit snooze 10 times and start the day feeling like a failure AGAIN for not getting up when you wanted to. We’re going to walk through exactly how to set up a morning routine that helps you to be more productive in your days as a busy stay at home mom balancing so many things. If you want to create more routine in your days and implement rhythms to help you navigate balancing motherhood, homemaking, and work, I know this episode is for you! I'm cheering you on along the way and I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Hi, friend!
In today’s episode, I’m talking all about what to do if you find yourself feeling overstimulated and anxious in motherhood (as we all do probably more often than we’d like!). I’m sharing 5 steps that you can implement TODAY to give you a starting place to start making changes if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed in motherhood. If you often feel like you’re drowning just trying to keep your head barely above the water trying to balance all the things OR you know you need to make some tweaks in your daily rhythms and routines to make sure you DON’T get to that point, these are 5 practical steps that you can do TODAY to start bringing more peace and less overwhelm to your days.
We are not made to just survive until bedtime every day on repeat in motherhood, we are made for so much more. These small, intentional rhythms truly add up to a much larger impact than we ever expect to help us to thrive in motherhood and enjoy the journey. I'm cheering you on along the way and I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
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Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
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Monday Apr 01, 2024

Do you feel like you’re constantly juggling your time between trying to get work done during nap times, stay on top of the laundry and dishes, and avoid eating take out for the 5th time that week?! 
Do you worry that you’re destined to simply survive until bedtime day after day for the next several years because you have multiple little kids close in age and as soon as you figure out a good routine, SOMEONE’S nap time suddenly is no longer working?! 
Is your brain so cloudy and overloaded that you feel paralyzed to even know where to START making changes (#mombrain is real)? 
Do you have it together on the outside, but have a deeply rooted fear of wasting these years while your kids are little being so distracted by everything you have to DO that you’re missing precious moments being present with your kids?
In this podcast, you will find SIMPLE daily rhythms and systems to embrace your season of motherhood. To help you find freedom in reclaiming your time and habits as a busy stay at home mom. My mission is to equip you to find peace and productivity in your days as a busy mom. To give you the tools to steward the season you’re walking in well through simple living solutions to help you slow down, intentional boundaries and systems to get done what needs to get done, and Biblical foundations to grow in finding your worth in Christ…NOT your to do list. If you’re ready to ditch the overwhelm and chaos and start living out what truly matters most to you in your daily rhythms, you’re in the right place!
Hey, I’m KyAnn. A mom, wife, and Jesus lover. For too many years, I let my habits just sort of happen without much intention or thought. I was chasing business success, achievements, and hustle culture that stole my time, stole my mental health and I didn’t have any extra energy to devote to building intentional habits that kept my priorities in the right order. I realized that all of my big picture priorities for my life were completely out of order in how I spent my days.
I finally realized that if I was ever going to find freedom from constant burnout and overwhelm, I had to find simple systems to serve me in the season I was in. I created daily rhythms that reflected what mattered most to me and helped me consistently accomplish what needed to get done in my home and life.
If you're ready to finally find a routine that works for you…the answer to truly finding more peace and less overwhelm day to day…You need tactical systems that give you your time back and help you finally find the balance you’ve been CRAVING, you want to clear up your chronic brain fog, find rhythms to be more present with the people you love most and have time to truly REST instead of just hustling 24/7 and STILL never getting it all done-this podcast is for you!
Pop in your single AirPod (mom friends, you know you do this, too!), grab your iced coffee, it’s time to find your rhythm!
Welcome to the Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms podcast.
Grab my FREE morning routine guide:
Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:
Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course:
Join the FREE community:
Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat
Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat
Email me:


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